Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Still here...

Time just seems to be standing still. I feel like there has been no progress. I thought it was bad when the doctor asked me if I had the baby yet, but it is a million times worse when my V.P. asked me this morning. But, he did give me a compliment. He said I seem very healthy. He was curious to what the doctor had said. Which basically, baby healthy, mommy healthy, no need to do anything.

Well, I guess I have had some progress. About 6 this morning I had my first REAL contraction. It lasted a minute or two and was very painful. It felt like all my muscles were pushing down in my abs. Then, it radiated to my back. I couldn't move it was paralyzing. I forced myself to deep breath until it was over. It did make me feel like I should "push." I know I can do it now. DH was getting ready for work and I didn't want to alarm him, so I waited until he was on his way out to tell him.


Anonymous said...

Well the good news about being over your due date is you are on a time clock now and it won't be too long before Meadow makes her arrival. But I know the waiting is killing you. Here's to hoping that contraction this morning is the first of many today!! (well many that lead to L&D)

Heather said...

Well, we haven't heard anything from you today, April - I hope that means that Meadow is making her way into the world... otherwise, update us!