Monday, August 27, 2007
Advise from her daddy

Saturday, August 25, 2007
Lily's Birthing Story and More!
On Wednesday, August 15th, 2007 at 5:30 am I checked into Uplands Hills Hospital for the C-section to deliver Lily. I went to the Birthing first, where they hooked me up to monitors to check her heartbeat and for any contractions. They were looking for two accelerations and deccelerations in Lily's heartbeat. She acheived those pretty quick. Then, I went to Pre-Op where they hooked me up to an IV and asked questions to determine how much anestesia I would need. Soon after I went the operating room where I as prepped and received a spinal. The spinal did cause me have some naseau. At first it wasn't working properly so they had to get a different needle. At 8:03 the C-section started, and by 8:14 Lily Christine was born. The nurses had Chris come to watch her get cleaned off. He even cut her umbilicol cord.
While I was in recovery they took the necessary vitals from my baby girl in our room in the birthing center. Chris and his mom where able to watch the whole time. Her APGAR scores were 8 and 9. She weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces and was 18 1/4" long. She developed jaundice and lost quite a bit of weight while in the hospital.
We were discharged on Sunday. I had to bring her into the hospital on Monday for a weight and jaundice check. Her weight was up two ounces to 6 pounds 11 ounces from discharge. Her jaundice improved. The nurse called our doctor, and he requested I bring her into the clinic on Thursday (8/23) for a weight check. I brought her in Thursday and her weight was 6 pounds 10 ounces. She is nursing like a champ.
At the hospital Meadow seemed mad at me. She didn't want to come by me, but she did a good job entertaining us. She got a kick out of the hair net thing Chris wore during the c-section. She eventually warmed up to me. While in the hospital she was curious by Lily, but we were cautious getting them too close together.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
What is on the to do list: Pick up Meadow's toys, Clean out Lily's crib, fold Mt. St. Laundry, put together the bassinet thingy, dishes, pick up our room, disenfect the entire house. I have e-mails to respond to...ACK! Non mes amies, I am not ignoring you, I am just lazy. Like I said my choice is sitting here. If you want to here from me, I need to be harrassed.
I am tired I need sleep so nothing is going to get done until we either move again or everyone learns to pick up after themselves...